Ongoing Projects
Johns Hopkins Early Learning Center
The Johns Hopkins Early Learning Center will be relocated from the current site on Wyman Parkway near Remington Avenue to University Parkway and San Martin Drive. The project is projected to be completed in early 2026.
Read MoreStony Run/Linkwood Road
In 2017 the bridges were completed that cross the Stony Run Stream. This was a major step in the creation of a continuous 3.5 mile path envisioned by neighbors going back to 2002. The final piece for this phase of the plan is to connect the 2 bridges with a new walking path. Further details (most recent on top) can be found below. Other uncompleted projects include: planting and caring for new trees on hillside by University Parkway and Linkwood, maintaining the TCNA garden by large bridge on Linkwood, replacing aging benches, raising money for additional plantings and maintenance in the park.
Read MoreCharles Street
Charles Street
We've heard from many neighbors about the difficulty crossing Charles Street, particularly at the complex intersection at Charles, Charlecote, and Stratford, but also at Highfield and Wendover. A group of Tuscany-Canterbury neighbors is forming to discuss issues and potential solutions. Let us know if you're interested in being part of a Charles Street Safety Improvement Team, contact
Tuscany Canterbury Trees and Tree Stewards
Part of what makes our neighborhood unique is the number of beautiful trees that grace our streets, alleys, and parklands. Unfortunately, not all of our trees are healthy and a few are now beyond saving. The TCNA is working with the city to try and remove those trees that have been tagged as “dead” and to have stumps left behind after the removal of previous dead trees ground up. But trees, like all living things, need TLC and that’s where volunteer Tree Stewards can make a difference. Kids are also welcome to be Tree Stewards.
There are many things a Tree Steward can do but most important would be to adopt a block or two in the neighborhood and keep watch over the trees in that area.
Do the trees need to be pruned?
Is ivy or other harmful vines choking the trees?
Are there any new dead trees that need to be removed?
Are there empty spaces where a new tree should be planted?
Do new trees need watering?
Have spotted lanternfly nymphs or mature flies invaded any of the trees?
Then TCNA will log all reports from our volunteer stewards and will coordinate contacting the appropriate city agencies to complete the necessary work.
If you or your children would like to be a T-C Tree Steward, please contact us and we will be in touch with you to discuss what duties you are able AND WILLING to do. It really does takes a village!!!
Read MoreSIGN Issues
Tuscany Canterbury is a residential neighborhood and as such there are specific limitations on the signs that may be displayed. TCNA monitors the appearance of commercial signs in our neighborhood and has intervened several times to prevent installation of commercial signs that exceed permissable limits for size, illumination or time of display.
For more information on the zoning regulations for our neighborhood, scroll down to the bottom of the "read more" information
Read More
Tuscany Road Traffic Calming
In coordination with the Calvert School, TCNA is looking at potential improvements to Tuscany Road to slow traffic and make it safer for kids and adults to cross the street. The TCNA Streets Committee would like your feedback on the following proposed improvements
New raised crosswalks across Tuscany Road that would act like speed humps and improve visibility of crosswalks.
Potential locations:
At the existing crosswalk at the Calvert School's lower school entrance
At the existing crosswalk at Stoneyford Road.
Potential locations are along Tuscany Road between Linkwood Road and Stoneyford Road.
No on street parking would be affected by these changes.
Please email with your comments and suggestions for making Tuscany Road a safer street for our neighborhood.
Read MoreCalvert Lower School: New Addition, 2023
NEW: Two-Story Addition Behind Lower School
Calvert School has informed TCNA of their plans to construct a 2 story addition on the rear of the lower school. The footprint will be on their current property that has been used as an asphalt playground for the lower school. The two added classrooms are for music and science and will not be visible from Tuscany Road. There is no enrollment increase intended for the expansion of the classrooms.
Access to the property is located on a current driveway from Canterbury Road. The preliminary image is attached yet no definitive plans are finalized. TCNA will be updated routinely with a one month look ahead of the work. The TCNA Liaison Committee will communicate neighborhood concerns and expect Calvert School to abide by all city ordinances.
Read More39th Street Traffic Calming (2010-2024)
Over 1,000 people cross 39th Street, west of Canterbury, on any given day. At the busiest times, over 200 may cross in a single hour. Approximately 8,000 cars pass through this portion of 39th Street on any given day.
2024: A traffic calming plan was completed. It included speed humps, street markings, crosswalks and bump outs between University Parkway and the Canterbury Rd roundabout.
2017: The Broadview with the approval of TCNA constructed a paved area and provided tables and chairs by the Broadway for the community between and Broadview and the Hopkins Deli.
2015: The Broadview has an MOU with the City to provide plantings and maintain them as well as the entire 39th Street median between the roundabout at Canterbury Road and University Parkway.
2012: Baltimore City constructed a Roundabout at 39th Street and Canterbury Road to allow traffic and pedestrian to cross 39th Street at that dangerous intersection.
Read MoreThe NEW Hopkins Market
7AM to 11 Sunday Thursday
7AM to 12AM Friday & Saturday
Hours for the sale of liquor from the package good area
9AM - 11PM Sunday - Thursday
9AM - 12AM Friday & Saturday and a few holidays
In addition to the hours of operation, the MOU contains language about:
Delivery of alcohol
Deliveries to the establishment
Delivery by establishment to customers
Management of outside delivery services
Customer parking
Noise and disturbances by customers
Outside seating
University Parkway
Updates about Plans for University Parkway
The long-term vision is a precursor to a more substantial capital project that will allow us to rebuild University Parkway using more durable, environmentally-conscious, and aesthetically-pleasing materials. We’ll keep what we like, change what we don’t like, and transform University Parkway into a safer, quieter, and greener community amenity that forms a better transition from Tuscany-Canterbury into the JHU Homewood Campus.
This month (March 2022), the big news was the release of the city’s long-awaited plans for resurfacing University Parkway from Charles Street to the 39th Street/San Martin Drive intersection.
Read MoreNeighborhood Garden Projects
The TCNA designs plants and maintains four neighborhood gardens: the Tuscany Oval (intersection of Tuscany and Ridgemede); the garden at 39th and Canterbury; the Garden at the Stony Run Bridge (at Linkwood and Stoney Run rd), and the Ridgemede Elbow Garden (at the right angle bend on Ridgemede rd).
TCNA member Charles Brenton, Professional Landscape Architect has been working with the Greens Committee and advising us on ways we can improve our gardens.
Read MoreCalvert School Conservation Easement Plan
The shaded area on the drawing above shows the Forest Conservation Easement area. This area is 1.4 acres of the 2.7 acres that were purchased by Calvert School in 2018. The agreed upon TCNA/Calvert buffer zone remains, plus additional land was included in the Forest Conservation Easement. This easement permanently runs with the land and was approved by the Baltimore City Planning Commission on June 26, 2021
Read MorePauli Murray Statue in Bishop’s Square Park
TCNA continues to be active in caring for our neighborhood’s public spaces. In Bishop’s Park, located at the corners of N. Charles Street, University Parkway, and Bishop’s Road, one can see the pedestal that once held the Confederate Women's Monument. It was removed, along with 3 other Confederate statues in Baltimore City in 2018.
June 2021. the TCNA was approached by the Union of Black Episcopalians to consider giving neighborhood support for erecting a statue in Bishop’s Square, commemorating The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray.
May 2022. In the next stage of the process, Mr Eric Holcomb of the Baltimore City Planning Department is looking into the approval process for the statue.
Read MoreCalvert School Athletic Center and Field
2018: Purchase of property along Tuscany road following TCNA approval of purchase
2021: Revised development plan to build an athletic center and field.
2021: Permanent forest conservation easement area approved by Baltimore City.
2021: Preconstruction work started
2022: Calvert and Tuscany Project Committee worked to resolve noise and visibility issues. Completion expected Fall 2022.
2022: Cooling tower fence complete, awaiting paint. Agreement reached to replace dead trees.