Houseplant Exhibit
Evergreen MuseumHouseplants Exhibit
Evergreen Museum & Library
4545 North Charles Street
Now through June 4, 2023
There are numerous benefits of tending an indoor plant. The houseplant boom began in the Victorian era and blossomed.
BMA Exhibit HipHop and Contemporary Art
Baltimore Museum of ArtHip Hop & Contemporary Art in the 21st Century April 5 — July 16 Since its emergence in the Bronx in the 1970s, hip hop has grown into a global...
TCNA Board Meeting
Broadview Apartments lower level meeting roomHazardous waste drop-off
Residents may drop off household hazardous material at the Northwest Citizens' Convenience Center, 2840 Sisson Street, First Friday and Saturday from May to October. This is an opportunity for Baltimore...
Wonderlic Vocal Recital
Second Presbyterian Church 4200 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore, MD, United StatesMAY 7, 2023 | 3:30 PM Wonderlic Vocal Recital Sponsored by the Russell C. Wonderlic Bequest Established in 1990, the Wonderlic Competition alternates annually between voice and piano and has afforded many...
Neighborhood Dumpster at Linkwood and Tuscany
Linkwood and TuscanyStart time cannot be confirmed but 4 hour duration
Sherwood Gardens Tulip Dig
30c a bulb - dig your own - bring a shovel and a bag pre-dug bags from $5 A guide to the tulips is available below
Residential Parking Permit Renewal
Residential Permit Parking June is the month that Tuscany-Canterbury permits are due for renewal. Renewals can be purchased on-line or in-person beginning June 1. Only residents who live on blocks...
Hazardous waste drop-off
Residents may drop off household hazardous material at the Northwest Citizens' Convenience Center, 2840 Sisson Street, April 14 and 15 from 9:00 to 5:00 and then on First Friday and Saturday from May...