News And Projects

Johns Hopkins Early Learning Center

At the zoom meeting of August 5, 2024 with JHU and TCNA, the following updated information was provided.
  • Construction is still scheduled this fall pending receipt of necessary permits from the city.
  • The new ECLC is anticipated to open January 2026.
  •  JHU is committed to preserve as many of the current 28 specimen trees as possible. Ten trees will need to be removed. The City requires that, for each tree removed, another tree will need to be planted. JHU will plant some of the replacement trees on the grounds of the Center and others will be planted elsewhere on campus.
  • The L configuration selected for the building will allow easier access for parents bringing in infants and toddlers in strollers. It will also allow for more trees to be saved.
  • The playground equipment will be made out of all natural materials. There will be many trees and plants that will be incorporated in the area for shade, education, and play.
  • The staff parking lot will be pervious. The drop-off area will be impervious asphalt to make it easier to push strollers, etc.
  • Access and egress will be off of University Parkway and San Martin Drive.
  • The 8’ security fence around the property will be heavily planted to camouflage the fence and provide protective privacy for the children in the playground area.
  • The exterior colors used for the building will be natural hues.
  • The front entrance and the mechanical storage area (to the left of the front entrance) will be heavily landscaped. The parking lot will have trees to provide shade.
  • There will be minimal signage in order to protect the children.
  • There will be a natural sensory garden for the children.
JHU Information About the Early Learning Center