Linkwood Rd Bridge Garden 2017
Originally the entrance to Wyman Park was a barren, weedy area that mostly acted as a ramp for skateboarders and bikes. TCNA in conjunction with Jonna Lazarus designed and installed a new garden with large boulders and native plants to enhance the entrance.

Tuscany Oval Garden
The Tuscany Oval Garden is located at the intersection of Tuscany Rd and Ridgemede Rd. It has been extensively restructured and replanted in 2022/23.

39th Street Garden
Major progress in restructuring the 39th St Garden was made in 2022, including additional native plantings to combat erosion. READ ABOUT PROGRESS WITH THE 39TH ST GARDEN HERE

Ridgemede Triangle
The Ridgemede garden is the second of two small green spaces that were located on Tuscany and Ridgemede in 1928.