TCNA Board Meeting

Broadview Apartments lower level meeting room

Hazardous waste drop-off

Residents may drop off household hazardous material at the Northwest Citizens' Convenience Center, 2840 Sisson Street, April 14 and 15 from 9:00 to 5:00 and then on First Friday and Saturday from May...


Neighborhood Yard Sale

postponed to October 21st! Neighborhood Yard Sale in parking lots and at various homes throughout the neighborhood

Handbell Christmas Carols and Cookies

Second Presbyterian Church 4200 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

Bring the whole family! Refreshments provided by the Bell Choir! Smith Hall in the Second Presbyterian Church 4200 St Paul St

TCNA Board Meeting

Broadview Apartments lower level meeting room

TCNA Board Meeting Agenda March 20, 2024, 7:00 p.m. Broadview Lower Level Meeting Room   Call to Order – Pat and Mike Approval of 1/17/24 Minutes – Board Treasurer’s Report...