News And Projects

The NEW Hopkins Market

Update, January 20, 2025

Grand Opening on January 20, 2025.  An entire new space was created.  The Market will open with hours from 7AM to 11PM from Sunday to Thursday and 7AM to 12 PM on Saturday and Sunday.  No liquor will be sold or served before 9AM.  See more information on the TCNA Restaurant webpage.


Hopkins Market Update 4, January 2023

The Liquor Board approved the MOU between TCNA and the Hopkins Market LLC on December 14, 2022. Without an MOU, the liquor license if approved would have allowed restaurant and liquor sales and liquor delivery between the hours of 6am and 2am daily. There are many topics included in the MOU. Listed below are a few of the topics that are included in the MOU.
Signage Outside the Building
  • Alcoholic beverage and tobacco signage outside the building shall be prohibited.
  • Sandwich boards outside the Establishment shall be prohibited.
  • Agree not to utilize neon signs or blinking signs visible from outside the building.
  • No advertisements other than the name of the Establishment shall be printed on the outside awning
Delivery by establishment to customers
  • Alcohol may only be delivered with prepared food
  • No alcohol deliveries shall be made to students residing on the Johns Hopkins campus.
  • No alcohol will be delivered by a third party.
  • Alcohol deliveries will be limited to one case of beer or three bottles of wine or alcohol per delivery address, per day.
Outside Seating
  • No outside seating shall be provided unless agreed to by the parties to this MOU pursuant to a change.


TCNA and the Hopkins Market agreed to an MOU! Thanks to everyone who sent last minute emails to the Baltimore City Liquor Board, attended the hearing, and volunteered on the Hopkins Market Committee; and to all of our elected officials and Johns Hopkins University who supported TCNA.

Tuscany-Canterbury has amazing neighbors and friends who make our neighborhood a treasure in the City.

A Little Background About Liquor Licenses

The Liquor Board cannot change the hours of a class B liquor license (6AM to 2AM) by law. They can only approve or not approve the request for a new liquor license license.

Any restrictions from hours of a license can only be done through a MOU(Memo of Understanding) between the applicant for the license and the neighborhood. A number of issues can be included in the MOU . However, both groups must agree to all the terms.

By December 14, 2023 TCNA and the Hopkins Market had agreed to everything except for the closing hours. This is what we put in the last update about the hours that TCNA wanted. and we couldn’t work out a compromise.

“TCNA has been working to compromise with the Hopkins Market. The Hopkins Market wants hours to be from 6AM to midnight, seven days a week. TCNA argues that because 1000 students live in the neighborhood, the goal is to have the restaurant close at 11 during the week and 12 is OK on weekends.”

At the Liquor Board Hearing on December 15, 2022 Hopkins Market finally agreed to these hours. The liquor board approved their Class B restaurant license with these hours and many other topics that neighbors also wanted to be included.

Hours of the liquor license for the restaurant

  • 6AM to 11PM Sunday – Thursday
  • 6AM to 12PM Friday & Saturday and a few holidays

Hours for the sale of liquor from the package good area

  • 9AM – 11PM Sunday – Thursday
  • 9AM – 12PM Friday & Saturday and a few holidays

More information in this Newsletter

Hopkins Market Update 2, December 2022

The TCNA Hopkins Market Committee has prepared a draft MOU (Memo of Understanding) that addresses concerns of residents of Tuscany-Canterbury. Some of the topics in the proposed draft MOU are:
  • Hours of operation
  • Delivery of alcohol
  • Signage
  • Deliveries to the establishment
  • Delivery by establishment to customers
  • Management of outside delivery services
  • Customer parking
  • Noise and disturbances by customers
  • Outside seating
The TCNA Hopkins Market Committee has hired a lawyer to review the draft of the MOU and will work with the Hopkins Market for final agreement on the MOU. Then the Baltimore City Liquor Board will set a hearing date to review and approve the new liquor license.

Hopkins Market Committee

  • Lu and Andy Parsley (Co-chairs)
  • Julia Frazier (president TCNA)
  • Kathryn Gallagher (Lombardy)
  • Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op)
  • Nina Knoche (Broadview)
  • Jennifer Meilke (Johns Hopkins University)
  • Mary Ruth Reis (The Hamilton Condo)
  • Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
  • Mary Loker (President, Berkeley and Dundee condominiums)
  • Amy Mutch (Tuscany Rd)


TCNA met with the owners of the Hopkins Market. We are currently working on a MOU with them that will address issues that have been raised by the neighborhood. One concern is the hours of liquor sales. The requested liquor license would allow sales from 6am to 2am and the delivery of liquor during those hours.

Johns Hopkins University, Senator Mary Washington, Delegate Maggie McIntosh, Councilwoman Odette Ramos have agreed to support TCNA in the effort to secure an MOU.

There is currently no scheduled date for a Liquor Board hearing. More will be discussed at the TCNA general meeting on November 16, 2022

October Status

Canterbury looks forward to a new market and deli to replace the former Hopkins Deli at 110 W 39th Street. It appears that the Hopkins Market will be moving into this space. The Hopkins Market LLC was created on May 31, 2022. The same owner of the Hopkins Market also owns the University Market in Charles Village. The Hopkins Market has requested a new Class B restaurant liquor license (6AM–2AM) with an additional request to be able to deliver liquor.

TCNA found out this information when the sign was posted on the window of the former Hopkins Deli in October 2022. On October 10, 2022, TCNA held an emergency board meeting. The TCNA board has no information about the plans for the restaurant and has not been contacted by the Hopkins House or the Hopkins Deli. The board unanimously voted to oppose the request to grant the liquor license at the Liquor Board at the hearing on November 3 unless the hearing is delayed and TCNA has time to work with the Hopkins Market and Hopkins House to resolve the issues. For latest updates click below

Questions and Answers

The questions and concerns raised by the Board and neighbors.  As TCNA receives answers, we will include them here. 

If you have questions, please email them to

  • What are the times that the market will be open?
  • What hours will liquor be sold?
  • What is the inside design of the market site?
  • Will there be additional deliveries to the restaurant and how will they be managed?
  • How will liquor deliveries to residences be controlled?

Latest Updates

The Liquor Board hearing is scheduled to be held November 3 at 10:30.

The TCNA Board had an emergency meeting on October 10, 2022, to discuss the issue. They have been in touch with Councilwoman Odette Ramos, Delegate Maggie McIntosh and former Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke for support. The following action items were unanimously decided.

  1. Oppose the request to grant the liquor license at the Liquor Board at the hearing on November 3 unless the hearing is delayed and TCNA has time to work with the Hopkins Market and Hopkins House to resolve the issues
  2. Create a Hopkins Market Committee who would gather additional information, communicate to impacted areas of the neighborhood, meet with necessary people, agencies, and elected officials. They would keep the TCNA board and membership updated on a regular basis.
  3. Meet with the owners of the Hopkins Market and also the Hopkins House Apartments as soon as possible.
  4. Approved funding to hire a lawyer if necessary.
  5. Notify neighbors to email Liquor Board and attend November 3 hearing if it is not postponed.
  6. Send out Email Blasts to our 604 neighborhood emails about new information, updates, and Call to Action if necessary.

Contact Information

  • New Owner of Hopkins Market Ibrahim Hamideh, 1002 Shepherd Court, Gambrills, Maryland 21054 is the owner of the new Hopkins Market. He also is the owner of the University Markets.
  • Liquor License Applicants The persons requesting the liquor license are Soon Young Park and Jason Elijah Getblum. One of them must live in Baltimore City according Maryland’s liquor laws.
  • The owners of the Hopkins House are The Time Group. Mark Caplan is the president and CEO, and Connie Caplan is the chairperson. Information about the Time Group Click Here 
  • The Manager of Hopkins House. Deb Crawford
  • The Executive Director of the Liquor Board is Douglas Paige
  • Lawyer representing the applicants who are requesting the liquor license.Abe Hudle

Liquor License Information

What are the rules and regulations are for a Class B Restaurant?

Essentially, 40% of sales must come from non-acholic beverages.  There are requirements that an actual kitchen and dining area exist.

What are the Rules and Regulations for Delivery of Alcohol?

The driver who delivers the alcohol is required to be an employee of the restaurant and requires ID and signature of the person accepting the delivery. (We interpret this to mean that delivery services such as UBER are not permitted to deliver).

Liquor License Application showing layout of store

110 W 39th Street_Redacted