Street Light Issues
How to Report Street Light Issues
If you see a street light that is out, please do not wait and think someone else reported it or it will be fixed by itself. It is OK if 311 or BGE get more than one report for the same light issue. You don’t have to report the issue to both places. Baltimore City sends reports immediately to BGE whose responsibility is to maintain the street lights.
There are two options: Baltimore City or BGE.
Baltimore City
- Phone: 311 Every day including weekends 6am to 10pm
- Online: https://balt311. servicetypes
scroll down to Streets and Street Lights > Street Light Issue,
click on Request
Baltimore Gas & Electric
- Put in the address of the light
- Click on the street light icon to either report an outage or to get an update
If if the light is not fixed within 4 days, let TCNA know to follow-up. This information is also on the TCNA website under FAQ for future reference.