Abandoned Bikes
There are many abandoned bikes in Tuscany-Canterbury since there are so many students. The bikes usually appear at the end of the spring semester. It may take some time to realize the bike is abandoned.
In the experience of TCNA, Baltimore City does not do anything about abandoned bikes. Calling 311 doesn’t seem to produce any solution. But that is what you should try first, and then make a second call to 311 if there is not action. Usually, additional action by TCNA has to happen for the bike to disappear. Be sure to get the 311 confirmation number each time. Then contact TCNA if the bike is still there after a few weeks. presidentTCNA@gmail.com

One solution
One story and solution: This old rusty bike chained to a pole on 39th Street for several years. A neighbor in the Warrington tried calling 311 frequently and nothing happened and contacted TCNA. Since it is chained to a streetlight, TCNA checked with the City to see if TCNA could just cut off the bike lock and take it to the dump. The City said that it would be dangerous. Then TCNA call our Councilwoman and her office arranged to be taken care of. TCNA called one day and it was removed the next day.

Another solution
Another story and solution: The bike was abandoned on Linkwood Road near Ridgemede and chained to a sign and would fall into the street taking up a parking space. The bike looked abandoned but appeared in working condition. It had been there for weeks. Neighbors contacted TCNA after calling 311 numerous times. This time TCNA worked with the Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo Association to solve the problem. Thanks to the Condo Association the bike is gone. They surveyed all of their residents and also left a note on the bike looking for the owner. After a month of trying to find the owner, the abandoned bike was removed and taken to the bike recycling shop (e.g the Velocipede Bike Project) by the condo association.