Foxes! What to do when they move in

They are not a threat to pets or people–as long as we don’t feed them and cause them to associate us with food and lose their natural caution around people. If in their curiosity they approach you, clap and shout to scare them away. You want to teach them that humans are a danger and to avoid us.
A few ways to keep the neighborhood healthy for humans and foxes alike:
- Shut down the snack bar. Expecting handouts reduces an animal’s natural fear of humans and can encourage risky behavior. Foxes that feed on garbage also often ingest plastic and other debris, which can be deadly, so make sure to secure trash can lids. Clean up seed from around bird feeders, and don’t feed your pets outdoors.
- Don’t fear the fox. Red foxes hunt prey such as rabbits, chipmunks and mice that are active in daytime. Seeing a fox in daylight doesn’t mean the animal is rabid; it just means it’s on its regular rounds, so enjoy the show.
- Set boundaries. After mating in winter, red foxes seek out snug dens where females birth and nurse their kits. Males tend to scent mark around the den, which can get stinky. If you’d rather discourage a den, block off access to crawl spaces and areas under porches and sheds.
- Respect family time. Foxes raise their kits in spring and summer, teaching them to navigate the world. They’re not aggressive toward humans, but they are protective parents. If you have a fox family nearby, watch them from a distance and keep pets and children away from the den.
Information from the National Wildlife Federation READ MORE