Calendar of Events
M Mon
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3 events,
Houseplant Exhibit
Houseplants Exhibit
Evergreen Museum & Library
4545 North Charles Street
Now through June 4, 2023
There are numerous benefits of tending an indoor plant. The houseplant boom began in the Victorian era and blossomed.
The John Waters Collection
The exhibition showcases a few of John Waters' favorite things - his 'roommates' includes approximately 90 paintings, sculptures, photographs, and prints by Diane Arbus, Nan Goldin, Mike Kelley, Gary Simmons, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol, and Betsy the Chimpanzee, among others.
Johns Hopkins Ice Rink
Johns Hopkins Ice Rink
Open Until February 19, 2023
Community invited on weekends
4 events,
Recycling pick up
Recycling pickup is currently every second Thursday. February 2023 dates are February 2 and February 18
4 events,
The Book Thing
The Book Thing
At the December book giveaway, patrons adopted 12,469 books and 685 non-books. We also accepted donations of 9,324 books and 1,673 non-books.
The Book Thing will resume their series of openings on the second full weekend of each month starting in February, weather permitting.
Sun, Feb 12 – 9a-2p/5p – details TBD, limited book donations accepted
Sat, Mar 11 – details TBD, limited book donations accepted