By any standard, Tuscany-Canterbury is a successful and a prospering national historic neighborhood. In the past 50 years, while the populations in the majority of Baltimore neighborhoods have decreased, Tuscany-Canterbury’s has population has grown. It is diverse neighborhood, both racially and economically. Property values have increased and it has one of the lowest crime rates in the Baltimore area. The most unique feature is that Tuscany-Canterbury has a higher percentage and actual number of residents with more than a college degree than any other neighborhood in Baltimore.
The data sources for the demographics section can be found here

Population and People
More Population information, including age breakdown (2019), Household types (2019), school enrollment by grade (2019), and age structure compared to Baltimore (2019)

The 2019 analysis reveals that 90% of the Tuscany-Canterbury have a bachelor’s or beyond. 62% of residents have also earned a master’s degree, medical degree, Ph.D. or law degree. This is a higher rate of people with a graduate degree than is found in 99.9% of U.S. neighborhoods. The average American neighborhood has 12.7% of the adults with a graduate degree.
Tuscany-Canterbury has the highest percent and actual number of Baltimore residents with more than a college degree
More information on educational attainment including more details (2019), very advanced degrees by neighborhood (2019) and other degrees by neighborhood (2019

Race and Ethnicity
The 2020 census information shows that the neighborhood include 35% of Asians, the most of any neighborhood in Baltimore.
Other census information shows that 37.9% of people who live in Tuscany-Canterbury were born in another state. Another 29.5% of the residents were born in another country compared to a total 7.3% of foreign born residents in Baltimore.
The most common language spoken in the Tuscany-Canterbury is English, spoken by 76.7% of households. 13.6% of households speak limited English.
In 2020 Tuscany-Canterbury Census Information
- White 2244 (52%)
- Asian: 1077 (35%)
- Black: 193 (4%)
- Hispanic: 190 (4%)
More information in racial demographics and country of birth (2019)

Income and Poverty
Median household income 2019: $67,406
Median household income 2011 $52,291
29% increase to median household income: $15,115

Employment and Occupation
In the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood, executives, managers, and professionals make up 74.3% of the workforce, a higher proportion than is found in 98.0% of the neighborhoods in America.

One reason Tuscany-Canterbury is a beautiful and appealing neighborhood is the combination of housing types. Large high-rise buildings, either rental or condominium, occupy the perimeter of the area but do not overwhelm the neighborhood’s inner core, which is a mixture of townhouses, smaller condominium buildings, co-op buildings, and a few smaller apartment buildings.
In 2019, there were a total of 2778 units and houses in Tuscany-Canterbury.
Detailed information about types of housing in Tuscany-Canterbury.
Average monthly rental cost in Tuscany-Canterbury:
- 1970: $193
- 2010: $1118
- 2019: $1360
More housing data including owner/renter (2019), house value (2019), permit activity (2019),vacant buildings (to 2021)

More information on percent vehicle access (2016 and 2019) and time leaving for work (2019)

Crime Data: 2020 - 2024