Abandoned Cars

Abandoned Cars
Baltimore City’s Policy about Abandoned Cars
Residents who suspect an abandoned or illegally parked vehicle in their community should contact 311. Derelict vehicles on public or private property can be reported to the city’s one-call center, and the complaint will be investigated. Residents are encouraged to include as much information as possible when reporting an abandoned vehicle, such as the exact address/location of the vehicle, make/model, color, tag number and condition (flat tires, broken windshield, etc.). The submission of vehicle photos is also encouraged to assist field personnel with the investigation.
Once an abandoned vehicle service request is received, inspectors from either BCDOT or Code Enforcement from the Housing Authority of Baltimore City will conduct an investigation. Vehicles that are found to be in violation will be cited and could be removed within several days. Residents should be aware that abandoned vehicle complaints, especially those located on private property, typically take up to several weeks or longer to complete.
Derelict and abandoned vehicles should be reported to the city’s one-call center by calling 311 or by filing a service request online.