A large bed of native sedge plugs was planted in the 39t Street Garden in the Spring. Of 2021 With the expert guidance and design from Charles Brenton, a broad band of these plants were planted. They serve for two purposes:
- Add depth to garden;
- Fill in what had become a pretty deep erosion channel along the interior sidewalk.
We are water-challenged at this location; so we hope/expect the new sedges to survive this first season and get established.
The erosion channel was also eroding the roots of the large tree that shades that garden. BTW, Fred Chalfant assisted by Will Snyder trimmed the tree so that more light would enter the garden. Neighbors keep watch over the storm drain that gets stopped up and overflows water toward that garden: emptying it as often as it fills up.
Grateful kudos go Alison Moliterno who championed and organized the staging and installation of the project along with TCNA Board member Patricia Hawthorne and Will Snyder, for installing the garden and for Mary Loker’s (another TCNA member) watchfulness over the storm drain. And of course, a huge thank you to Charles Brenton for his steadfast patience and guidance and expertise.
Bonnie Boland, Greens Committee Chair